Call of Duty vs CS:GO!


Call of Duty in the recent years has been more focused on the future, with players spending less time with their boots on the ground and most of the time either thrust jumping or wall-running. Many players have now completely switched over to CS:GO and describe it as how Call of Duty used to and “should” be, with all gunfights being on the ground and no crazy futuristic mechanics.

Traditional play-style Call of Duty games such as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and World at War are still spoken about in the community today when the topic of “best” Call of Duty games are brought up. Even with the controversy and the known disliking of futuristic Call of Duty games within the Call of Duty community, game developers haven’t taken anything on board and continue to include thrust jumps and wall running within their games. 


With a revamp of Modern Warfare due to release this year as a bonus of ANOTHER futuristic title “Infinite Warfare”, hopefully the game developers recognise the success of the 2007 game revamp in comparison to the brand new game and go back to the old mechanics, which made everyone fall in love with the franchise in the first place. 


For the meantime, CS:GO is the best game to have if you’re craving the old play-style and can’t wait for Modern Warfare’s revamp to be released. No wall-running, sliding or any mechanics other than the FPS standard original. The competitive, and most popular, mode is very similar to Call of Duty’s “Search and Destroy” and although the game is very different in many aspects, loyal Call of Duty players will be able to get used to it in no time. Many Call of Duty gamers, including Youtubers,  have already made the transition from console to PC to become a primarily CS:GO player and are enjoying the game much more.  



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